Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Have you ever felt unworthy?  I do....pretty often....just about every time I step foot into the office.  For some unknown reason God has graced me with a gift - to serve his people in ministry. I'm blown away by that thought.  If you aren't in ministry it can be difficult to understand especially if you tend to put pastors on a pedestal where you can't reach them.  We aren't perfect people, we don't have special powers and often we feel useless, unwanted, unloved, and under appreciated.  At last night's Ash Wednesday Service I had the honor of serving with the Rev. Laura Jones an ordained UM deacon.  My senior pastor is not as "traditional" as many pastors and that's okay, I like that about him.  But last night he couldn't be there, so Laura stepped in...she is more traditional....she likes the ritual.  I found out I do too!  I like the ritual of the action - the reminder that God is God and I am not.  As I dive into this study on prayer...I'm excited to see where God is going to take me and I hope take you too.  Amo Dei.

Blessings, jb   

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