Thursday, January 24, 2013

#40 days

This year for Lent, I seriously considered a social media fast. I know, some of you are thinking - how is that fasting he hardly posts any way!   

But then I realized that we are coming into the season of Lent this is the Christian New Year.  We have an opportunity to start over - to reflect on our relationship with God and re-examine ourselves.  This should be a time of self - reflection and prayer - are you giving something up this year?  If not, whyHave you ever given something up?  Maybe you should - it might get you out of that spiritual rut you're in right now. 

I am often meeting with people who question their purpose in life.  Have you ever wanted to start over?  Guess what?  Today is that day - the day to take off our old self and put on the person of Christ.  Lent is that time to repurpose ourselves.  We are always looking for ways to change the lives of those we meet - start with yourself and let God do the rest.

This Lenten season we can draw closer to God and in doing so - we will change who we are.

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